Tuesday, October 29, 2013

too little time

Words:  346
October 28

            I ran in the full on rain today.  Came back with the great amount of hair on my head all wet and stringy.  I looked like a drug addict. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

A $200 mistake, in MY favor!

Words:  328

Today, 18th, I ran in the rain for only 17 minutes. It wasn't the rain that kept the run short as much the other things I need to do. Also, I ran like crazy.  I pushed the pace during the whole run. It felt really good. I imagined the pedestrians looking at me and seeing that I was working hard.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

no contact with Albania

Words:  155
            Runs lately have been great. I push, push, push. Today I cut it a bit short because it began to rain more strongly.  I haven't found a decent place to sprint, though. I haven't even done the mid-run sprint lately.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

legs moving

Words:  184
            Today on the 11th, I felt great!  I was pushing myself the entire time.  I often felt like I was running to keep up with some other runner.  My legs were feeling stressed and the body was trying to keep up with them.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blue Jasmine

Blue Jasmin:  One of the best movies I have EVER seen.

 Words:  80 (several pics)
            A great run today, after only 3.5 hours of sleep.  I complained to some people about my lack of sleep, but they all had less so I decided I should stop whining.

Friday, October 4, 2013

govt shutdown

Words:  218
2 Oct
            I enjoyed a lesson on Wednesday that took place at a company about 100 meters from my apartment. When I came home, I ran for 32 minutes and did 3 sets of 11 pull-ups. My arms are unaccustomed to pull-ups.