Thursday, November 28, 2013

Stair climber

Words:  242

25 Nov
            Someone told me that you have exercise for 40 minutes before you get the benefits of endorphins. So, just as I was about to finish the run after 30 minutes, I extended for 10 more. Of course, this is the 'finish' in only one sense. I still needed to do a final set of 11 pull-ups and the 16 flights of stairs.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Rob Ford, the gift that keeps on giving

Words:  449; 4 audio clips

            On Friday, 22 November, I began the day with a run to a bank where I gave a lesson to the manager of the development department.  I wore my black plastic pants, under my bright yellow nylon, knee-length shorts.  On top, I wore a long-sleeved grey RAGBRAI t-shirt under my white marathon t-shirt.  I dressed this way so that drivers would see me in the dark.  On my head was a rainbow bandana that served to hold my ear phones in place.  Dmitry said he didn’t have a problem with the way I was dressed.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Death to the punt

Words:  187; audio

            The duration of the run is broken up into three sections because it took 30 minutes to run there, 20 minutes to run back to a friend's place, and then 15 minutes to run home. I left the house/apartment at 6:55 and ran downtown to where the dynamic meditation is held. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Impending escalator measurement

Words:  420

            I’m doing the full 16 flights of stairs in my building nearly every run now.  Last year, I thought of the 16 flights as punishment for NOT running the mid-run sprint in under 1:01.  Now, I feel it is simply part of the regime. Another part is the escalator steps.  At the top, I am totally out of breath…I am heaving.  The amount of air in and out of my lungs feels like enough to put out a blow torch. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I feel pity for you

Words:  311

            This the first weekend in months when I have had no classes.  The kids were on vacation this week, and when they don’t have school, they don’t want to study English, either.  Especially not on the weekend!  I took a huge run today, running by some metro stations that I have never visited.  I ran ‘straight’ on two streets so I wouldn’t get lost.  I did get lost anyway, though, because there are so many twisty, curvy, upy, downy overpasses, etc.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

dynamic meditation

Words:  448

          The day began in a fantastic manner.  Sun was bright, skies were clear, and the temperature was moderate, at about 6 degrees.  Dynamic meditation is an exercise I'd never heard of before this trip to Moscow.  It seems to be a fad that occupies people who need to do more than meditate.  Participants get a bit of exercise, and they can scream their guts out if they wish.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Birthday present

Words:  508; pictures
November 7

Ran in full on rain today.  Harder rain than ever.  Shoes wet, socks wet, pants wet and splotted with mud (I hand washed them in the shower—points up one of the prime comforts of living in the developed world—running hot water.  Although I was running through the rain and my hands were freezing, I could always think of the shower ahead.  And the shower in my present apartment is probably the best shower I’ve ever had.) The lenses of my glasses often were covered in drops, although I could always see something.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

freezing hands and escalator sprint

Words:  305
November 1

Didn't run full speed today. I guess I just didn't feel like stressing myself. I've run up the stairs at my apartment a few times. My results seem quite quick. I haven't yet checked the times from last year, but I think my quickest was 1:18. I achieved 1:17 just today. Possibly there is flight missing somehow.