Sunday, January 19, 2014

repairing computer

Celsius °
Place of run
start time
10 Jan
≈ -3
Johnston, IA
≈ 44 minutes

When I saw that the temperature was as high as -3, I estimated the clothes I would need quite poorly.  It was the hands where I needed more insulation. I wore only the thin gloves with push-button tips on the thumbs and index fingers.  I can operate my iPod/iPhone while wearing these gloves. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

global disruption

Words:  88

Jan. 5
            Ran around Johnston with my nephew today.  Global warming was the topic of conversation.  Ethan considers the phenomena, not necessarily ‘warming’ but disruption.  Such an attitude is understandable living in the land of freezing temps this year, and considering that Moscow has been, and continues to be much, warmer than Iowa.  (even though Moscow is some 1040 miles farther north—543 miles north of the Canadian border). 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Russian mittens, sledding

Words:  149; four pictures

            Ran around Johnston again today.  Ran past Lawson school.  I wonder how much distance I am slipping when running on snow.  When I was a kid, at one point there was a rumor among the class that when running on gravel without cleats, a runner would lose half a step with each stride.  I could never believe that, and I still don’t.  This is almost like a study that is popularized on “Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me.”

Friday, January 3, 2014

Staring down the cars

Words:  177

            I ran around Johnston today.  It was quite fun.  Very little traffic.  The streets had strips of bare concrete, without snow and ice; that’s where I ran without danger of slipping.  Everyone was home sleeping or watching football so the cars were few and far between.  They also wanted to drive in the bare strips, so I relented and moved over a bit, letting them go where they want.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pull? Push? Pizza?

Words:  668; one video; one picture

            I flew from Moscow to Frankfurt yesterday, hoping to get a late evening flight to the States.  Unfortunately, there are no flights across the ocean after 5 in the afternoon.  I considered spending the evening in the airport, but then considered the fact that I had very little sleep the night before, and that I was not looking forward to much sleep in the future, I decided to get a hotel.