Celsius °
Place of run
Duration (min)
start time
One inside loop
9 flights (sec)
30 Mar
≈ -2
Nizhenskaya,Moscow, Russia
≈ 29
Words: 115
A great run today! The problem is that I am too far
from the center of the city. I wrote to the agent. Maybe she can do something.
My two favorite breeds of dog. These puppies were on the bus. An Australian
Blue Healer has her head on the neck of her best friend, a Bernese Mountain
Dog. The owner did not want me to pet the beauties, so I made do with meeting
their eyes and laughing with them. I
made the bus ride go so fast, I nearly missed my stop.
A Russian guy saw a dog
in a lake that was covered by ice. Here’s
a video of him swimming out to rescue that dog.
Wow! What dedication! The dog ran to a vegetable shop nearby, then
the rescuer adopted the dog and named him Rex.