Tuesday, November 17, 2015

muscle pain, statin trouble

Place of exercise
Classic Sprint
Start time
17 Nov
18 min

             At the start of the camp on the 5th of November, the thought came into my head that the cholesterol medicine I began to take in July might be the reason I have so much pain.  There is established evidence that the statins may cause severe muscle pain.
When I mentioned this to the doctor, he said that the pain is so bad that people cannot even get up. I understood that if my body was truly affected by the statins, I would either have crippling pain, or no pain. Since my pain was not super-bad, I thought I was okay. I kept thinking that the tightness and pain in my legs would dissipate. I will just kept doing yoga and living with the discomfort. 
          About the medicine, I still was not in favor of taking the stuff. I decided to take half the dose prescribed by the doctor.
          In November, I decided to do an experiment, and quit taking the medicine.  Fairly quickly, my muscles became looser and less painful—my arms and shoulders especially. While I am doing yoga more easily, I am still not pain free.  And yesterday, I went for a brief run.  When I came to the classic sprint, my legs were about as stiff and painful as earlier. As you can see from the results of the sprint, not only did I not beat the previous best-time-with-pain, I achieved a WORSE result.
          I’m still doing yoga and I hope it will get better.  When I think back to the days when I would finish the classic sprint in under 50 seconds, I am filled with disappointment. Is this best I will be able to do in the future? It’s amazing that this trouble appeared at precisely the time of my 50th birthday—November 5.

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