Thursday, June 14, 2012

a crowd; breezy toes

 The last run in Albania for 2 months.  We are leaving today for the US.  The run this morning was fun.  I was a bit later than usual so the park was more populated.  I had to gently move around elderly ladies doing their morning walks and middle-aged men engaged in the wholly worthy pursuit of trying to run off their rotund bellies.  As I ran up to the new pull-up bars, there were half a dozen people in sport clothes jumping up and down, wiggling their legs and rotating their shoulders.  As I approached, one man finished on the bar and I moved forward.  I was a bit worried that I would have to wait.  I thought to myself that I was showing some real seriousness in the fact that I simply run up in the middle of the run and do the exercises.  I didn’t need to, or have time to, set aside time for rest in the middle of pull-ups. I fell like efficient as I simply fill up all my allotted work-out time with actual work.  I know that rest between sets of exercises is necessary at times—simply another form of work-out.  The fact that I choose to go full-out all the time is certainly a symptom of my general mode of behavior—when I am in a good mood.  This tells me that I am feeling fine.
 When I came to the earlier-mentioned bars after the turn around, someone had draped their shirt over the bar.  As another man was engaged in pull-ups on the unclogged part of the bar, I imagined sliding the shirt and working at the same time. This move would have been in keeping with my ‘work out constantly’ attitude.  Mr. Pull-ups finished about then, so I didn’t have to. 
 After the 100-meter flat that begins my final sprint, I realized that I was not running on my toes.  This is a method that makes me feel a bit like I’m ‘floating’ or ‘breezing’ over the pavement.  I guess I simply need to practice more often and then I won’t have to remember to do those little bits that are the key to making the sprint just a bit faster.  Today was about a second off my record pace.

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