Celsius °
Place of run
Duration (min)
Dewey sprint
start time
July 21
≈ 15
Johnston, Iowa
Celsius °
Place of run
Duration (min)
Sets of 12 pull-ups
Dewey sprint
start time
July 24
≈ 25
Johnston, Iowa
After a couple days off
from running during RAGBRAI, I went for a jog today. My legs and body were well ready for a
record. And I made it! Shattered the record by 1.5 seconds.
Yeah, that doesn’t seem like much, but it’s huge when you are at the top of your game.
I thought about this palindromic-ness of my record. A palindrome is the same written forward or backward. They are like the word civic, or deified or the names Anna and Hannah. My time of 56.65 is a palindrome. Other possibily palindromic times might be: 55.55 (not likely, although only 1.10 seconds faster, I think I was running at my absolute fastest when I achieved the 56.65); others could me 57.75, or 58.85, or 59.95, or even 1:00.01, or 1:01.01, or 1:02.01, or 1:03.01, or 1:04.01 or 1:05.01. Hmmmm...when I stated to think about oher palindromic results, I didn't think there were so many.
Yeah, that doesn’t seem like much, but it’s huge when you are at the top of your game.
I thought about this palindromic-ness of my record. A palindrome is the same written forward or backward. They are like the word civic, or deified or the names Anna and Hannah. My time of 56.65 is a palindrome. Other possibily palindromic times might be: 55.55 (not likely, although only 1.10 seconds faster, I think I was running at my absolute fastest when I achieved the 56.65); others could me 57.75, or 58.85, or 59.95, or even 1:00.01, or 1:01.01, or 1:02.01, or 1:03.01, or 1:04.01 or 1:05.01. Hmmmm...when I stated to think about oher palindromic results, I didn't think there were so many.
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