Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday 1 day rest

I went at the end of the day today so I would be free for an interview tomorrow morning.  The run started sluggishly.  I enjoyed listening to Coffee Break French, the first lesson about family.  Then I turned it over to a running playlist.  A Christian rock song, Romantics (Talkin’ In Your Sleep), Rubberband Man, Roy G. Biv (They Might Be Giants).  Then the songs go into the truly inspirational—What I Like about You, and ROCKY!  Today, when I go to the sprint, I slowed down a bit so it would be at the beginning of the next Rocky song.  Just as I was starting the sprint, the song “Going the Distance” came on.  It is quite inspirational, but it starts slowly.  By the time the trumpets were belting out their cadence and pounding beat, I was nearly done with the 60 seconds.  It doesn’t get into the super motivation until 1:30-30 seconds after I finish. 

As far as pull-ups, I was feeling good.  I did 14 at the park near Saxton’s and then did 7 more at the baseball field near 25th St.  There was a gaggle of kids staring at me, and asking, “Who’s that?”  I was working at the monkey bars, interrupting their play.  After I did 6, I caught the eye of the next young man and said, “One more, OK?”  I finished and was gone.  I didn’t go to the H.S. track because as I drove back into town from the garden, I saw that they were starting a girls’ softball game.  They weren’t in the middle of the track or anything, but there was a heap of people all over and they were charging admission to the athletic field area.  I probably could’ve convinced them that I was not coming for the game, and I probably could have received permission to run around the track, but I didn’t want to fiddle with the attention that I might attract, and I didn’t want to have to explain myself.

Final sprint in over 1 minute.  When I consider that my fastest time is 57 and change, I think how today’s run was 3 seconds slower.  JUST THINK how far you can run in 3 seconds!  It’s all relative, baby.

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