Duration (min)
One lap around park
12 flights
3 Sep
Moscow, Sukharevskaya
I ran from my apartment, near Prospect Mira, to Red Square. A seemingly huge distance, but in reality, not far—especially when one is running. I may have mentioned before that people can cover a huge amount of territory when running. I covered the distance between six metro stops in 19 minutes—15 minutes on the way back—and I was running leisurely.
I ran by the Beverly Hills Diner where I found not only today’s Moscow Times, but yesterday’s that I hadn’t gotten, also. That’s what’s great about knowing my way around; I can find the stuff I need without a problem.
At one point, I did something that may have been dangerous and unwise. There was a 6-lane one way street in front of me. There was an underground passage, but it was far out of my way. I would need to run 100 meters to the right, curve around and down steps, then run 100 meters back to my original path. I waited until I could pass three lanes for free. Then I sped up and dashed in front of a couple other cars. Probably an unwise move. But! the cars did not have to slow down much, if at all, and they did not make a sound. No screeching tires, not even a horn. If a driver doesn’t use his horn, he must not have been troubled.
I was running along the street so there were no easy pull-ups or dips. When I returned to my apartment, I dashed around the park, breaking the previous record, coming within 1 second of my 55-second goal. Because I went straight from the sprint to the apartment, with very little cool-down, my time for the 12-flights was not a record. As I neared the top of the stairs, I was searching for the top, at each of the last four landings I yearned to see the metal re-bar of the door that blocked the way to the roof above the twelfth floor. As I started the last group of steps, my legs were screaming in agony.
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