Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So, my first day of forced inactivity.  Not exactly, I guess, because I wasn’t completely inactive.  I did some pushups and stretching in my room.  Outside was wet and rainy/snowy; the worst weather for  a runner.  I was not going to go out there and slip.  It seems that I will be teaching more on Tuesday and Thursday, so I don’t think it will be comfortable to find a swimming time.  I may have to be satisfied with indoor exercises.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tom Bodet

So it may look from the date above that I took three days off.  Not really.  I tried to run Sunday morning—my regularly scheduled run date—but the rain/snow was coming down and the snow that had built up a bit was melting, so there was a terrible amount of water on the sidewalks and streets.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Honked at by a short man

I was honked at today for the first time in Moscow.  It had been raining all day so there were puddles everywhere—forcing me to stay away from the water-logged play areas around the pull-up bars, and to concentrate on staying away from the puddles rather than do any sprints.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

smoking in Moscow

          I suppose there might have been a little boosting in there, but not much.  I got a bit lost this morning.  I feel that things don’t get old if you get a bit lost every now and then.  I ran down what to the intersection where I thought I found the super-thin bar a couple days ago.  Well, it wasn’t there.  Yeah, yeah, I hear you all poking at me

Monday, October 22, 2012

33 degrees

Ran tonight at 22:00 at 33 degrees.  Weather is finally colder.  I wore a long-sleeved t-shirt and another t-shirt.  Sweatpants made of cotton.  I ran quickly and I did 5 1-minute sprints.  I run most of the time very quickly.  Last month, I did the 5k at a pace of 6:40 per mile.  I wonder how long

Saturday, October 20, 2012

"flip around"

I ran today in the late afternoon.  It was probably the prettiest day of my entire stay in Russia this year.  I ran to jumpstart my mood and interest today.  I ran very quickly most of the time.  I ran by two high bars where I could attempt a flip around.  To do what I call a ‘flip around,’ as I pull up, I swing my feet

Friday, October 19, 2012

Arnold Swartz…Arnold Swartsen...Arnold Swartzegg...The Terminator

  I found the small-diameter pull-up bar for the third time, and now I know EXACTLY where it is.  I stumbled across it the first time and thought it was on the south side of the street.  I went looking again one day, looked all over without success.  Looked another day, turned to

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

pull-ups are normal

Well, it’s happened.  I should have known that sooner or later, I would become accustomed to pull-ups and it wouldn’t seem like a major accomplishment.  Today, I started with 21.  I achieved this result on a large-diameter bar/play ground structure, too.  As I was doing it, I didn’t feel each pull-up.  When I finished, it was like I wasn’t sure if I done all—they went by so quickly that I didn’t feel each one like in the past.  It felt great.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tima the cat

A short run today.  I wanted to get back in time to chat with the boys before they went to school.  As I entered the apartment after the run, I was greeted by Tima, the cat.  He has an endearing habit of rubbing against my feet and legs, then giving me a quick bite.  He’s such a little scamp.

bad luck--touched by a car

Another good run today.  Started a bit slow and grumpy.  It was great to be out because it has rained steadily for 5 days.  This morning   I was touched by another dog.  This was another dog to which I paid no attention.  I don’t think he warranted attention because he was only about a foot tall

Friday, October 12, 2012

4 sprints!

Ran well today.  Four sprints, less pull-ups, and a couple groups of push-ups.  I’ve having great fun running these days.  It seems like it rains all the time here, so when it’s not raining, I take advantage of that little respite and get out there.  I’ve been wearing one long-sleeve t-shirt

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

22? Really? Wow!

I’ve written a few times about the impact psychological effects can have on running.   If I’ve been working all day, or if it’s hot—or I THINK I’ve been working all day, or I if I THINK it’s hot—I might run slower.   Little stresses become big.  In the same way, if I’m feeling good,

Athlete's foot

I wrote some days ago that I was going to start running 4 days per week—MWF,Sunday.  I couldn’t run on Monday b/c it was raining ALL day.  So today, after my private lesson, I ran to the swimming pool that my student pointed out to me.  It was about a 40 minute run over—including dead ends,

Sunday, October 7, 2012

walk like a rabbit

Felt great today!  It was amazingly comfortable sleeping because the rain was coming down all night.  I woke and started to write some blogs and the rain went crazy—throwing buckets and cats and dogs and turtles.  It was not long before the rain seemed to stop, so I took that opportunity to

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ryder Cup???

The rain was significant this morning.  I would have run longer, but I have only one pair of tennis shoes.  Therefore, if they get soaked, I am stuck with them until the rain stops.  Now that I think about it, I guess that wouldn’t be so bad.  They are already quite old and

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


           Yes, I ran only 21 minutes today. The problem was my eyes. I couldn’t read my watch because it was too dark. I wasn’t really dark, but I still couldn’t read the digits.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I was worried about getting lost in the forest.  I was worried the first couple times about getting lost running on the streets around here.  I should have been worried yesterday.  I took off at the chumly respectable hour of 8:40.  I didn’t even consider my route or how long I’d be