The rain was significant this morning. I would have run longer, but I have only one pair of tennis shoes. Therefore, if they get soaked, I am stuck with them until the rain stops. Now that I think about it, I guess that wouldn’t be so bad. They are already quite old and
beat up—a little water probably won’t kick them down the road toward disintegration much faster. Why don’t I buy new shoes? Someone told me that the new research is that new spongy, springy shoes are NOT better for your feet and you gain more when using the old dumpy ones. I’m all about dumpy ones because they are quite a bit less expensive.
An acquaintance here in Moscow asked me why I wore such old shoes. I gave the old don’t-want-to-buy-a-new-pair answer. She told me that she buys used clothes. I brightened up—I was eager to hear where I could buy some second-hand clothes. Her answer: Latvia. She said there are no real second-hand shops here. Hmmmm. This was from a person who spends 3 dollars for a short ride to the metro, and then another dollar EVERYDAY, twice a day. I don’t think she is a person who shops in second-hand shops.
I felt great running today. I was running quite quickly, too. I went over by the school and across the railroad track, down a long street. I listened to the Slate sports podcast. They talked a lot about the Ryder Cup—a GOLF competition between the US and Europe (I guess). Normally I wouldn’t touch such a show with a 10-meter cattle prod, but I wasn’t going to stop in the rain to fiddle with my iPod—especially since I didn’t have my glasses and wouldn’t be able to see the writing anyway.
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