Sunday, November 25, 2012

father of two Cesareans

           Two long-sleeved t-shirts and a hat.  Sweat all over.

            Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me was a collection of clips from past episodes.  One bit featured a British comic who was totally hilarious.  I remember now that I am the proud father of two cesareans.  Listen below to hear the explanation:

            The snow was truly falling today.  It was the most fun exercising during a snowfall in Moscow since 1992 when I swam in an outdoor, heated pool while snow was falling. 

Here is a picture of the pool (when it WAS a pool):

The curious thing about this pool is that it was on the ground where they had planned to build a church.  The government of the Soviet Union didn’t like this idea after they had already dug the basement foundation so they turned it into a pool.  What a great idea!  Then, after the SU fell apart, many wealthy believers donated money to finish the church.  Now it is a fantastically beautiful building.  I haven't seen it yet.

Here is a picture of the church:

It has most recently come to fame when a female rock group named Pussy Riot de-clothed and danced suggestively in the church to protest the re-election of Vladimir Putin.       

My classes involve exercises that are designed to make it interesting to learn English.  Sometimes it is a challenging endeavor.  One day, we talked about things are afraid of.  I decided my biggest fear of slipping on a random patch of ice, falling and injuring myself.  Today, I had no problem with slippage.  Many Central Asians from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, ….stan had been out early sweeping the snow.  Running down the middle of Roccosovkovo was easy because apparently there is a pipe from the metro near the surface so the snow was melted on half the pavement. 

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