Sunday, November 4, 2012

What do you listen to while running?

       The other day, I heard an interview with Martin Sexton, a guy about my age who is a folk singer.  I loved what he said.   Some of it could have been taken directly out of the file cabinet between my ears.  It's likely that I will try to find some of his music.  He also explained, however, his attitude that people who go around with ear phones in are tuning out the world.
 I agree to an extent.  When I am walking with someone, the earphones come out.  But when I am by myself on the subway, no one wants to hear me talk.  Sexton also says that walking through the forest and such, you should be listening to nature.  I totally agree, but we seldom get away from urban areas far enough to hear nature.  When I'm on the street or running the same route I have taken many times, I'm going to keep my mind humming with new ideas.

          Marijuana should be regulated like alcohol.  On Tuesday, voters in several states, including Washington, Oregon, and Colorado will be asked to decide legislation concerning marijuana.  Today, I heard from a guy in Colorado who adroitly explained his reasons for supporting regulation of marijuana:

In the same show, there was a bit about a dude who worked for the NSA.  He discovered that government agencies were using some computer capabilities that he perfected to listen to conversations.  Fine.  But they were doing this without approval or even awareness of congress.  When he tried to go to his superiors and to the congressional committee that is supposed to oversee such things, his efforts were fruitless, so he quit.  In this clip, he is talking about FBI agents coming to his house to demand information:

The same show ended with a bit about a person who had a garage sale where everything was priced in jokes.  Here are some good ones:

Listen to the whole show here:

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