Monday, November 19, 2012

record, birthday card, Zhirinovsky

Some people reading this may notice that I took more than 2 seconds off my record time for the mid-run sprint.  I was shocked!  It may have been because I was running later in the day and that my body was more limber, loose, and ready to roll.
 It may have been because I asked my friend to take a look at my run, especially near the end.  I explained that I often feel like my legs are full of lead at the end of the sprint and I feel like I am plodding along like a 200-ton turtle.  I didn’t THINK I was performing, but there is always the possibility that in some subliminal world I was trying to do my best.  In actuality, I consciously gave extra effort near the end so I would avoid the turtle look.

“You looked like Bat Man. Like Человек Паук.”

I teach a class of adults who are studying on the Intermediate level. The class after my birthday, they gave this card:

“For those of you who aren’t studying English, here is the translation:

We send our congratulations to our wonderful teacher on the occasion of his birthday.   He is the finest, most pedagogically astute and skilled person we have ever encountered.  His talent when transferring knowledge of English grammar and usage is unparalleled on every level of mastery.  We cannot image a more beneficial use of our time than meeting with James during our classes.

Well done, Mr. Martin”

The other day, I visited a Dewali festival of lights hosted by the Indian community here in Moscow.  We were there for a couple hours when some large presence with accompanying body guards appeared. He is a Russian politician.  By some remarkable coincidence, just the day before, in a class with three teen-age boys, Zhirinovsky was mentioned as “a crazy politician”.  I have a dim memory of Zhirinovsky some years ago.  I think I remember him being some kind of clownish ultra-conservative "throw out the foreigners, go back to Communism"--dude.  My friend said I should get my picture taken with him and show it to my students.  What a great idea!  I introduced myself as an American, something my accent gives away pretty quickly, and I asked him he is a supporter of Obama.  Before the crowd shifted, he only could respond, “I should be in favor of Obama now, eh?”
We did manage to get a picture…I look a bit like a lunatic…it actually looks like my faced was photoshopped  into the scene.

Zhirinovsky is famous for his extreme ideas.  Here are some quotes repeated here completely unfairly with absolutely no context or explanation:

We must force the government to stop the bird migration. We must shoot all birds, field all our men and troops... and force migratory birds to stay where they are.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky

If Russia rises, it means that the USA falls down.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The civilized world needs to think about a decision when single politicians are not allowed to stay in power.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The true reason of Ms. Rice's attack against Russia is very simple. Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men's attention.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky

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