Monday, December 24, 2012

COLD; greatest hits

414 words; 3 pics and 3 videos
A superb run today.  I ran with my flat mate, Ira.  I went to a store Thursday and nearly bought some mittens/gloves, something so that I can keep my fingers from freezing solid.  As I walked through the store, I realized that I want to look in the second hand store.
Then I remembered that I wanted to try socks.  Today, I wore the socks.  They helped a little bit, but my hands were still freezing.  When writing this on Sunday evening, the temp is -25 Celsius.  At -40 Celsius and Fahrenheit are the same.
The weather is cold and there is snow all over, but they do a good job of clearing the sidewalks.  It hasn’t snowed for more than a week, so they have had time to chop out sheets of ice. This means I can run pretty much without fear of slippage.
I did one better than stick people.  We took the camera today.  Here are the ‘leg ups’:

Here are the pull-ups (:17):

Here is a video of my sprint down Marshall Rokossovskovo Boulevard (1:20):

I wanted to see if I looked like I was running fast.  Not really.  You might notice that I have my right hand bare, so I can easily push the buttons on my watch, and my left sleeve pushed up for the same reason.  In the close-up, you can see something silver in my ear.  That is the headphone.  

I often give a tip to graduating seniors:  “Don’t eat yellow snow”.  Before today, the yellow snow bit has been a principle. I’d never seen yellow snow before.  Today, I noticed it was everywhere.  I nearly had a taste, as you can see in the picture.

Exiting a building, the cheeks are immediately stinging.  Fingers and hands quickly hurt.  By the time I have walked the 15 minutes to the metro, my fingers are hurting.  Today, the temp was about -14°F.  That’s about -26 Celsius.  One of my teenage students said Friday that he doesn’t like to wear gloves.  I surely cannot at all understand how this guy can survive.  On Friday when I went to my lesson at McDonald’s, there were two women outside doing some kind of street performance with their hat out where spectators could drop change.  Both women wore thin shirts and pants, but the most amazing thing was the fact that neither was wearing gloves or mittens.  In my world, it was quite a feat to simply be outside practically naked.  Both were young and attractive.  In other circumstances, I would probably have complimented them and tried to get to know them.  As it was, the cold overcame my desire to find new friends.

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