477 words; pic
A fine run today—esp. good because I ran with a friend. The results of the sprint were excellent, particularly when one considers that I had to skirt around a bunch of people…and the fact that I wasn’t really in the clear until the last 50 meters or so; the pavement was covered with little puddles and patches of ice.
I would like to take this opportunity to describe something unique to the FSU (Former Soviet Union). It’s the only place I’ve ever seen something with such a peculiar design. The commode/toilet/унитаз in our apartment is worth a story.
Many of you probably think that I write some gross things. The topic of the next story is gross.

I am a firm believer in the idea exposed by the saying, “If it’s yellow, it’s mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.” This adage concerns toileting. In an effort to conserve water, people are encouraged to let yellow water stand in the toilet, while flushing other waste. I sometimes stay with my sister when I am in Des Moines. She is not a believer in this practice. After seeing the evidence of my water conservation, she convinced me that if I wanted to be welcome in her home, I should toe the line on the household practice sending everything out of the house immediately. I will. Another way to ‘help’ me change my behaviour would have been to install one of aforementioned Soviet toilets. Even a committed conservationist would be hard pressed to leave anything in such a toilet where everything is plain to see and smell.
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