Monday, December 24, 2012

frosty the snowman

163 words, 1 pic;
I’ve found a new way to tell me that I need to do a better job shaving.  When I run with the temp at -25, frost gathers on my facial hairs. (I can’t call them whiskers because I still have mostly baby face fuzz).  After about 5 minutes today, I began to see specks of white popping up below my eyes.
By the time I finished, after 40 minutes, there was a veritable forest of snow-covered trees below those eyes.  I will have to look closely to determine what was my lower eyelash, and which were/are stray hairs.  My hands used to be the coldest part of my body.  The socks have helped with that problem.  Today, it was my nose and cheeks.  I think there may have even been frost in my nostrils.  My lips were also stinging.  I surely know what it means when people say that it is too cold to snow.  Is it a coincidence that  this week, after 10 days of sub 10 degree Fahrenheit weather, it will warm up to freezing and then the snow will fall?
    As far as the pull-ups and leg ups are concerned, for now, I am firmly in the 17/11 camp.  I do sets of 17/11 when I go out and 17/11 when I return.  I can't stand to be stationary for any longer than that.
    You can see the frost in the picture below.  It looks a bit out of focus--that is because of the steam coming from my mouth.  This was taken on Saturday when the temp was a balmy -15.

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