Words 328
Ran today with/near/behind Ethan. He and I ran together several years ago,
before he was a top notch high school athlete; I finished with a sprint and
beat him. Not so, this time. We ran together and chatted about a variety
of running topics for some 30 minutes.
One of his statements, “I guess I would not chose to start running if my
knees hurt,” showed his super-politeness.
I had told him that soon after I began running, my neck pain, shoulder
pain, ankle pain, knee pain, etc. all disappeared. I hadn’t intended to imply causality. I was able to clarify in that I had begun
running because every time I run, my mood improved. I ran to feel better, and a
side benefit was the fact that my physical problems went away. I am writing about it because it was the
first time that I logically thought out the progression of events.
As we were
running, I commented that he sounded like he was ‘clumping’ along—like he was
not running freely, not running at his normal pace. He calmly said, “Well, I guess if I were by
myself, I might be going a bit faster.”
intention was to run 30 minutes out and 30 minutes back. After about 13 minutes, I casually mentioned
that I might want to run only 25 minutes out.
We turned around at 25 minutes and then I really felt like I was holding him back. I gave him ‘permission’ to run on. He did,
and finished about 2 minutes sooner than I did.
I began listening to my Russian lessons which was a great way to finish.
Ethan said he thinks we ran about 6 miles.
I ran between a couple mile posts in almost exactly 10 minutes. One interesting part of this run was the fact
that as I began, my right hamstring was hurting/tight/pulled or something. By the time I was done, that pain had been
worked through.
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