Celsius °
Place of run
Duration (min)
start time
One inside loop
9 flights (sec)
15 May
≈ 10
Words: 396
A pleasantly cool morning today. I ran through an area that could be called a
park, along a river. Birds singing, a light breeze, white blossoms in all
their glory—an idyllic scene.
At one point, I was accosted by an
8-inch high Jack Russell Terrier. He
began at the top of the hill and charged at me as I was running along the
I could hear the owner yelling fecklessly from the time the dog was still a mile away. The old saw, “His bark is worse than his bite” comes to mind, as I did not even break stride, allowing the little dude to give it his best shot. I looked down at him a couple times, thinking, “Aren’t you so cute.” I wish I had looked up at his human companion because we could have shared a knowing glance as the fearsome bundle of energy turned himself inside-out with rage. After 30 seconds or so, he concluded that he had successfully scared me away and returned to his proper station—protecting his ‘master.’
I could hear the owner yelling fecklessly from the time the dog was still a mile away. The old saw, “His bark is worse than his bite” comes to mind, as I did not even break stride, allowing the little dude to give it his best shot. I looked down at him a couple times, thinking, “Aren’t you so cute.” I wish I had looked up at his human companion because we could have shared a knowing glance as the fearsome bundle of energy turned himself inside-out with rage. After 30 seconds or so, he concluded that he had successfully scared me away and returned to his proper station—protecting his ‘master.’
It's clear from the stats above that
I did 0 sets of push-ups, and the only pull-ups were in my apartment. I decided
that I need to burn some more fat. I discovered the other day that I seem to be
gaining weight. Of course, I am not
concerned about this in a serious manner, but I want to keep the hounds of
pudgy excess at bay. I am doing my best not to fall into the obesity trap that
pervades my countrymen and women. After all, I convinced my insurance company
to provide me health coverage because I maintain my weight and eat a healthy
diet. Not everything I've written here adds up, but I’m going for the
overall effect.
So we are into that lovely time of
year when the temperature doesn't play much of a role in the enjoyment of the
day. Not exactly. The temperature plays
a huge role in this area, but it is consistently wonderful, so I need not think
much about it. I’m considering removing
it from the table of numbers above. BUT,
I figure that this summer in Iowa when it becomes hotter than hell, and then in
Albania where it is hotter than the hell reserved for pontificators, I will
need to add the column back—so I’ll leave it.
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