Wednesday, May 21, 2014

visa troubles

Celsius °
Place of run
Duration (min)
start time
One inside loop
9 flights (sec)
20 May
≈ 20

Words: 241

From the start, I ran on my toes and I threw my arms.  There is still small pain in several parts of my body, so I ran only 10 minutes out and 10 minutes back before sprinting and buying some bananas and yogurt. You can see above that I came within a fraction of a second of a new record for the loop. 

So last night, I woke at 2 am worrying about the boys' visas. I've been working on them since March, but for various reasons, I'm still waiting. At this point, they should get their invitations on May 30. I'm still trying to get concrete information about what to do next. I have met with the Russian counsel at the embassy in Albania. But he seems to be wildly busy and I don't yet know the next step. Whatever...yada, yada, yada. 
            A follow up:  The next day, the counselor called ME.  He told me that I will be able to take a photo of the invitation, and send it by email to Tirana where they will be able to take it to the embassy, fill out the form, and they will have the visas in seven days.

I got up at 2 and wrote for an hour about my worries, then went back to bed. It worked!  I slept till 7.  Then, instead of thrashing around longer in the bed, l went running—my fool-proof solution to all problems. 

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