Celsius °
Place of run
Duration (min)
start time
One inside loop
9 flights (sec)
Escalator (sec)
17 May
≈ 13
Words: 178
As I ran
the final loop, I consciously swung my arms back and forth. But at the same time, I have no memory of
running on my toes. It takes practice to
bring it all together. I think I have to
specifically THINK about doing something often enough until it becomes habit,
then I’ll do it by muscle memory like playing the guitar (which I know a bit
about), or typing (which I can do very well).
Vinny T.
will see from the details above that I have a time for the escalator. I went to the area of my former apartment and
charged up the moving steps again. At
the beginning, I thought, “How lovely this feels! Some weeks NOT running the escalator has
energized my leg muscles.” I wouldn’t be
so sure. By the time I reached the top,
my legs were screaming. When I finished, I was heaving and huffing. Actually, I can remember writing once that
when I finished running up the escalator, I am breathing hard enough to blowout
a blow torch. Definitely.
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