Tuesday, September 25, 2012

containers - new apartment

It has been raining for a few days, so I wasn’t able to go into the forest today.  I looked in there at one point and ran a little bit.  The ground was thickly covered with leaves, but the chances of getting mud all over my shoes and then tracking it into the tiny apartment was too great for me to take the chance.
 I particularly didn’t want to get my shoes all muddy since I have only one pair.
I ran down to the metro station in about 5 minutes—it’s truly amazing how much ground you can cover when running.  Either that, or it is amazing how ploddingly slow we go when we are walking.  It takes more than 15minutes to walk this distance.  I am used to ‘booking it’ as I walk, but it still is nothing compared to running—even jogging.
The rain was forecasted to stop at about 11:00.  I tried to figure out when I would be able to walk to the market near the metro stop and pick up some containers.  I want to be able to make some food, eat some, and keep the rest.  The problem in this apartment is that the other residents smoke like nuclear power plants.  The whole apartment outside my door has a ground in smell of smoke.  Luckily, they smoke largely in the kitchen which is farthest away from my room—still only 10 feet or so.  I thought about walking the 15 minutes down to the market, then walking back 12 minutes to meet a teacher at the school (which is 3 minutes from my apartment), then walking back to the apartment with the containers, then walking 15 minutes to the metro so I could go to the other school and teach.  Then I thought, “Hey!  After the rain stops, I’ll just run there, buy the containers, and run home.  Then I don’t have to make the to there and back again drudgery.”  Worked great.  The only bad thing was the running with the containers was a bit cumbersome and I don’t feel like I was running my best.

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