Thursday, September 6, 2012


I took a bit of a rest today.  No pull-ups.  I’m preparing for an attempt at 21 pull-ups, or more, on Sunday.  I’ve been feeling like I could use a bit of a break.  I want to give my muscles a chance to heal.  So…I ran two sprints of the same distance as my usual Final Sprint.
I jogged to the beginning point of the sprint and flew back up the hill, hoping to break my record of 46.50 seconds.  The result, as the table shows, was a disappointment—particularly when one considers that I ran every other sprint at the end of a 30 minutes trot.
I was surprised at the degree to which I am winded after finishing this sprint.  For several minutes after, I am breathing heavy.  I can live with the knowledge that I will, eventually, catch my breath, so I consider myself fortunate when compared to seriously ill people.  I also was aware of my arms, and how they are also stressed.  I feel a burn in them something like that burn in the legs.  I should think that they are providing the momentum for my body, balancing out the movement in the legs and maintaining my balance throughout the run.
I think I simply need to consciously push myself hard throughout the race from opening steps.  Maybe I can choose my route better—make it easier to evade the puddles.  This morning, I had to lengthen my stride a tad at one point in order to avoid a shoe-full of water.

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