Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mt. Dajti

339 words; 4 videos, 5 pictures
A new record!!!  I felt like I was going fast and I was.  I’m not certain of the old record, but I know it was 46 seconds and something.  I’m pretty sure it was somewhere near 46.65, and I’m 99% sure it was not under 46.5 so I am confident that today’s result is the fastest.
I’m just a tad sheepish because I think that my hands were so cold that I didn’t get the button pushed at the beginning right on time.  BUT…the indecision and extra time it took to start the watch, the fraction of a second needed to find the button, think, etc. probably cost me some time.

To get the boys up, I told them they could watch Mythbusters while I was running.  They needed to get dressed and make their beds before they could watch.  I’m trying to get them ready for school on Monday.  They have been lounging, sleeping late for three weeks.  On Monday, they will need to get up very early in time to take me to the airport, and then they will return to school.  When I returned after 40 minutes or so, Maxim met me at the door with the sorrowful news that they didn’t get to watch Mythbusters because Oskar was still upstairs.  Too bad, so sad.  Oskar was, in fact, still in bed clocked in his blankets.

Then, we went to Mr. Dajti.  This is a funicular/cable car that goes straight up mountain to a hotel and restaurants.  On the 15-minute rides up and back, I read from, The Cat who went to Paris by Peter Gethers—a hilarious book that thrills two cat-loving boys.  While we were up there, we enjoyed the clean air, played soccer, and climbed around on bunkers…

One of the bunkers contained a growling dog tha seemed to be protecting her puppies.

We climbed trees…

…and did some screaming…

In this video, I would received either the sadistic father award, or the school of self-reliance award:

…and rode 4-wheelers.

I was a bit concerned when I saw Oskar wiggling back and forth. So when they inevitably wanted to go again, I could just imagine pushing our luck just one smidgen too far and watching one of them topple over.

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